3rd Posture symposium:
The 3rd Posture symposium was organized in September 6th - 9th 2003 in Smolenice.

5th Posture symposium:
The 5th Posture symposium will be in September
3rd - 6th 2008 in Smolenice.

Scientific program    (POSTERS for all days)

Sunday, June 25th 2006


Transport by special bus from Bratislava to Smolenice Castle
Registration and Accomodation
Opening Address - Dr. F. Jagla, PhD, Director of Institute
Opening Keynote Lecture: Prof. Thomas Brandt - Germany
How the eyes move the body
End of Session
Classic music "Pressburgerquartett"
Welcome Reception

Monday, June 26th 2006

  7:00 Breakfast
Free Papers
  8:20 M. Latash - USA
Uncontrolled manifold analysis of multi-muscle synergies
  8:40 C. Maurer - Germany
Multisensory interaction of human postural control
  9:00 E. Keshner - USA
Visual dependence modifies early postural actions of the head
  9:20 E. Schneider - Germany
Differential effects of visual stimulation in roll on the deviation during different locomotion phases
  9:40 R. Reynolds - UK
Visual guidance of the human foot during a step
10:00 J. Fung - Canada
Aging and postural control under the influence of concordant and discordant somatosensory and visual conditions manipulated by virtual reality
10:20 Coffee Break
Mini-symposium: Cortical Control of Posture
10:50 F. Horak - USA
Role of the cortical motor areas in postural preparation
11:20 Y. Ivanenko - Italy
Cortical control of posture and gait
11:45 K. Zabjek - Canada
Cortical control of balance-recovery reactions
12:10 W. Wright - USA
Interactions of perception of verticality and posture in healthy and vestibular loss subjects
12:40 Lunch
Mini-symposium: Knee movement in Posture Control
14:00 J. Allum - Switzerland
The effect of knee-fixation on balance corrections: a model for cerebellar ataxia?
14:30 U. Küng - Switzerland
Is postural instability in cerebellar ataxia the result of poorly controlled knee or arm movements?
14:55 L. Oude Nijhuis -The Netherlands
Incorporating voluntary knee flexion into non-anticipatory balance corrections
15:20 M. Carpenter - Canada
Knee and hip joint contributions to the dynamic control of centre of mass in the sagittal plane
15:45 Coffee Break
Free Papers
16:20 K. Bötzel - Germany
Does neck muscle vibration cause a tonic postural neck reflex or merely a postural illusion?
16:40 E. Bobrova - Russia
Time delay between movements of upper and lower segments of body in sagittal plane during human quiet standing
17:00 F. Hlavacka, Slovakia
Postural responses to platform translation with different velocities in juniors and seniors
17:20 L. Mouchnino - France
Online control of anticipatory postural adjustments during unexpected perturbation
17:40 T. Mergner - Germany
Implementing human equilibrium control principles into a bi-ped humanoid robot
18:15 Wine testing
19:00 Barbecue outside + music

Tuesday, June 27th 2006

  7:00 Breakfast
Free Papers
  8:20 J. Blouin - France
Are hand and eyes stabilized in space through similar processes during body motion?
  8:40 G. Schweigart - Germany
Vestibular adaptation: effects of acceleration and velocity pulses on perception
  9:00 A. Cappello - Italy
How accurate is my movement lab? Tools and methods to evaluate errors and their propagation to balance and gait outcomes
  9:20 O. Dick - Russia
Analysis of stabilization of vertical human posture
  9:40 E. Van Asseldonk - The Netherlands
Measurements of regulatory activity should be based on ankle torques and not solely on centre of pressure movements
10:00 Coffee Break
Mini-symposium: Modeling in Balance Control
10:30 J. Jeka - USA
Fundamental time scales in postural sway: what's the mechanism?
10:50 R. Peterka - USA
Frequency-domain separation of different modes of postural control
11:15 I. Loram - UK
Human balance is maintained by adjustments intrinsically limited to a maximum mean frequency
11:40 T. Kiemel - USA
Does the slow component of postural sway reflect errors in state estimation?
12:05 H. Van der Kooij - The Netherlands
Enhancing our sense of body orientation from sway velocity explains the slow fluctuations in postural sway
12:30 Lunch
Mini-symposium: Strategies for Continuous Balance Control During Standing and Walking
14:00 J. Frank - Canada
Introduction lecture to minisymposium - Continuous Balance Control
14:20 A. Nardone - Italy
Balance control under static and dynamic conditions: the effect of somatosensory impairment
14:45 M. Bove - Italy
Neck proprioception and spatial orientation in cervical dystonia
15:10 M. Schmid - Italy
Vision cannot be replaced by other sensory information in blind subjects balancing on an oscillating platform
15:30 K. Van Ooteghem - Canada
Learning to balance: Are the details important?
15:50 POSTER discussion and Coffee Break
Free Papers
16:30 R. Dickstein - Israel
TENS to the sides of the knees reduces postural sway during stance
16:50 V. Usachev - Russia
Strategy and tactics of the control of balance in the vertical position
17:10 L. Chiari - Italy
A modelling approach for the comparison of different targets in Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson's disease(PD)
17:40 L. Chernikova - Russia
Peculiarities of learning different postural task in patients with early and late stages parkinson's disease
19:00 Farewell Dinner + music

Wednesday, June 28th 2006

  7:00 Breakfast
Free Papers
  8:20 C. Haburcakova - USA
Vestibular prosthesis tested in vestibulopathic animals
  8:40 S. Karg - Germany
Sensory integration model for human postural control with visually induced sway
  9:00 P. Valkovic - Slovakia
Scaling of proprioception-triggered postural responses in parkinson's disease
  9:20 E. Gallasch - Austria
Postural coordination during unstable sitting - a kinematic study
  9:40 N. Adamcova - Slovakia
Dynamic sitting reduces low back pain and improves posture control
10:00 Coffee Break
Free Papers
10:30 A. Burstin - Israel
The use of a novel virtual reality technology in physical therapy geriatric rehabilitation rational and case reports
10:50 M. Dozza - Italy
Augmented sensory information from auditory biofeedback for the control of posture
11:10 L. Hauck - Canada
Task specific measures of balance efficacy, anxiety, and stability and their relationship to clinical balance performance
11:30 M. Sazel - Czech Republic
Spatial disorientation training and posturography
11:50 M. Saling - Slovakia
Postural responses to vibration of lower leg muscle in patients with balance problems
12:10 End of Symposium
12:30 Lunch

14:00 Bus to Bratislava
P1. S. Sliva, V. Usachev, V. Belayaev - Russia
Stabilometric testing of a postural system
P2. S. Gurses - Turkey
Vision affects head dynamics in a nonlinear way
P3. D. Abrahamova, F. Hlavacka - Slovakia
Age - related changes in human balance control during quite stance
P4. R. Peterka - USA
Systematic changes in soleus EMG responses asociated with sensory re-weighting
P5. N. Peresedova, L. Chernikova, I. Zavalishin - Russia
Balance disorders and thermosensitivity in multyple sclerosis